HARRY M. VOULGARAKIS, PH.D., BCBA-D, is a Licensed Psychologist and Behavior Analyst specializing in behavioral and developmental neuropsychology, health psychology, and behavior analysis/behavioral medicine. He is experienced in the evaluation of infants through adulthood who may present with autism, ADHD, learning disorders, language and communication disorders, and complex genetic, medical, and behavioral profiles. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Child Study at St. Joseph’s University, New York, and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Dr. Voulgarakis maintains a private practice in New York City, is currently an executive board member of the NYSPA Forensic Psychology division. He regularly provides consultation and training, and has served as an expert witness and evaluator. Dr. Voulgarakis is also active in research, policy, and teaching. He is an editorial board member for The Clinical Neuropsychologist, reviewer for Children’s Health Care, and sits on several university-wide and external committees. His work has also appeared in other outlets such as Autism Spectrum News and at both national and international research conferences.