Frequently Asked Questions

Why the name NuPrisma?

It’s the combination of the words Nuevo(a) or New and Prisma (Prism) .

We wanted a word to represent a new way of thinking or perspective when a person sees or hear about someone with a disability or with special needs. We want people to see beyond a disability similar to gaining a new perspective of light when it goes through a Prism and you see all the beautiful array of colors light is. We wanted to bring awareness, acceptance and inclusion and NuPrisma represents all that for us.

In order to submit a directory listing you must have an account. Once you are logged in go navigate to:

“Resource Center” -> “Directory”  -> click on “Add listing” (green button) or go to:

Thank you for your interest in contributing information to our site. To submit an article you would need to login to your account – if you don’t already have one you can register for free. You will be redirected to “My Account” page and click on “Submit a new Article” link. We also recommend you read our page Share A Story for more information

What kind of reviews can I write on NuPrisma?

You can write a positive or negative review on NuPrisma as long as is an honest review. The main purpose is to share with others your experience with the business or service provider. We recommend you remain factual and always remember to avoid foul language as this is a family oriented website. 

100% of the Grant Fee is applied back to the grant budget which helps make the grant possible.  

Are there any other grants or scholarships available?

We are looking to add more grants and scholarships in the near future.

Some of the grants we are looking to add include: 

  • Special Education Teachers/Educators Grant to enhance educational experience for their students. 
  • Peer Inclusion Award Recognition for students who go above and beyond in promoting inclusion in their school and community.
  • Special Education Scholarship for High School Students or recent graduates who want to further their studies in College, Vocational School, or Training Programs which include Life Skills Classes.

We encourage everyone to check our website for updates or to sign up for newsletters to get notifications on when such scholarships become available. 

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with additional credit on alt text or captions or descriptions wherever possible.

Some images are directly uploaded by users, such images follow our Terms of Use Policy.