Best-Selling Book “The Reason I Jump” made into a Film, it’s now available in Virtual Cinemas

The Reason I Jump is a new film/documentary based on the best-selling book by Naoki Higashida, who wrote the book at 13. The film is directed by Jerry Rothwell best known for award-winning films such as:  How to Change the World, Town of Runners, Donor Unknown, Heavy Load and Deep Water. The story provides us the ability to view the world as a non-verbal autistic person would see it. Though it is important to remember that no two people on the spectrum are alike, there are traits that are similar and experiences they share could be similar to what someone else on the spectrum shares. Therefore, this book and film allows us to perceive the world like Naoki Higashida did, very intense, sometimes in an overwhelming manner, but also joyful, giving insight into the sensory processing aspect of individuals on the Autism Spectrum.

The film brings awareness to what it is to live with Autism as someone who is non-verbal, and that not because the person is unable to verbally express their feelings or emotions, or what they are thinking, it does not mean that they do not have anything to say or an opinion on a matter. The film can very well help neurotypicals, from family to neighbors, to teachers, to law enforcement, social workers, health professionals and many others, have a broader understanding of the challenges individuals on the Spectrum experience and how you can be more understanding, more empathic and be able to expand on inclusion.

The film recently released on January 8th 2021 by Kino Lorber in the USA and it is available in virtual cinemas. It has received a 96% in rating at Rotten Tomatoes.  Share with us what you think of the.